Calculus-Based Physics I

author= Jeffrey W. Schnick
copyright= Creative commons attribution share

This book (calculus-based physics I) is not a mathematics book, it is physics. Some time/in some case/problem, Mathematics is involved also. One important thing is our goal in taking physics course is to become more proficient at solving physics problems

List Content :

1.Mathematical Prelude
2 Conservation of Mechanical Energy I: Kinetic Energy & Gravitational Potential Energy
3 Conservation of Mechanical Energy II: Springs, and, Rotational Kinetic Energy
4 Conservation of Momentum
5 Conservation of Angular Momentum
6 One-Dimensional Motion (Motion Along a Line): Definitions and Mathematics
7 One-Dimensional Motion: The Constant Acceleration Equations
8 One-Dimensional Motion: Collision Type II
9 One-Dimensional Motion Graphs
10 Constant Acceleration Problems in Two Dimensions
11 Relative Velocity
12 Gravitational Force Near the Surface of the Earth, First Brush with Newton’s 2nd Law
13 Freefall, a.k.a. Projectile Motion
14 Newton’s Laws #1: Using Free Body Diagrams
15 Newton’s Laws #2: Kinds of Forces, Creating Free Body Diagrams
16 Newton’s Laws #3: Components, Friction, Ramps, Pulleys, and Strings
17 The Universal Law of Gravitation
18 Circular Motion: Centripetal Acceleration
19 Rotational Motion Variables, Tangential Acceleration, Constant Angular Acceleration
20 Torque & Circular Motion
21 Vectors: The Cross Product & Torque
22 Center of Mass, Moment of Inertia
23 Statics
24 Work and Energy
25 Potential Energy, Conservation of Energy, Power
26 Impulse and Momentum
28 Oscillations: The Simple Pendulum, and, Energy in Simple Harmonic Motion
29 Waves: Characteristics, Types, Energy
30 Wave Function, Interference, Standing Waves
31 Strings and Air Columns
32 Beats and the Doppler Effect
33 Fluids: Pressure, Density, and Archimedes’ Principle
34 Pascal’s Principle, the Continuity Equation, and Bernoulli’s Principle
35 Temperature, Internal Energy, Heat, and Specific Heat Capacity
36 Heat: Phase Changes
37 The First Law of Thermodynamics

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