Classical Physics
The aim of this book is to ensure a basic understanding of physical forces and their properties. Classical physics, vectors, Newton's Laws, Energy, Work, and Power are the main content of this book.
List of Content :
Classical Physics
Chapter/Module 1: Unit Systems
The concept of unit systems for the fundamenta dimensions of mass, length, and time that used in physics. Also the derivation and conversion of units.
- Fundamental Dimensions
- Units
- Unit Systems
- Derived Measurements
- Summary
- Conversion Factors
- Unit Conversion
- Steps for unit Conversion
Chapter/Module 2: Vectors
Information is provided to aid in the determination of the net effect of various forces on an object, includes the graphing vectors, adding vectors, and also determining component vectors of a resultant vector.
Scalar and Vector Quantities
- Scalar Quantities
- Vector Quantities
- Description of a simple vector
- examples of vector quantities
Vector Identification
- In written materials
- Graphic representation
- Graphic representation of vectors
Vectors Resultants and Components
- Resultant
- Vector Components
Graphic method of vector addition
- Vector addition
- Methods used to add vectors
- Using the graphic method
Component Addition Method
- An explanation of components
- Using the component addition method
Analytical Method of vector addition
- Review of mathematical functions
- Using the analytical method
Chapter / Module 3: Force and Motion
Presenting the Newton's Laws of force and motion.
Newton's Law of Motion
Momentum principles
- Momentum
- Force and Momentum
- Conservation of Momentum
Chapter/Module 4: Application of Newton's Laws
Describing the effects of static and also dynamic forces on an objects, completely with discussion.
Force and Weight
Free Body Diagrams
- Constructing a Free-body diagram
Force Equilibrium
- Net Force
- Equilibrium
Types of Forces
- Tensile and Compressive Forces
- Friction
- Centripetal Force
- Centrifugal Force
Chapter/Module 5: Energy, Work, and Power
Definitely defines the energy, work, and power. It identifies their various forms and discusses the conservation of energy, work and also power. The measurement and calculation of each is also envolved.
Energy and Work
- Energy
- Potential Energy
- Kinetic Energy
- Thermal Energy
- Mechanical Energy
- Work
Law of Conservation of Energy
- Conservation of Energy
- Power
- Thermal Power
- Mechanical Power
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